Castlerigg Stone Circle
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KJS Heritage

Senior Archaeologist and

Heritage Consultant

Heritage Consultancy and Archaeology Company

Based in Gloucestershire working across the UK

Learn more here or contact me.

Desk Based Assessments

Heritage Statements

Feasability Studies

Project Management

Monitoring and Watching Briefs

Evaluation and Excavation

Flint Analysis


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Heritage Consultancy

Project Management

I can project manage archaeological projects from start to finish taking your project from the pre planning stage, through to archaeology works associated with groundworks and finally to the discharge of planning conditions with a report. I either undertake the archaeological works myself or by arranging a suitable sub-contractor, liaising with the archaeological council representatives and contractors to ensure the planning conditions are discharged.

Heritage Statements and Desk Based Assessment

If you have been requested to submit a desk based assessment or heritage statement you have been asked to provide a background study of the site before your project gets started or breaks ground. These desk top studies analyse the potential for surviving archaeological remains, the significance of the buried remains and upstanding structures or buildings, and the potential impact of the development. Any impacts may be mitigated and the council decides if this will require additional archaeological works. The desktop study includes a map regression, assessment of data, and site visit where possible.

Old church door

Feasability Studies

Want to diversify and/or improve your farm buildings and land?

Looking to renovate a historic building and land for mix use development?

Changing land use to green technology associated with a historic property?

Understanding the historic potential of an area and building can enable the assessment of the character, sensitivity and significance to be incorporated into a proposed development scheme or masterplan. A feasability study will minimise the impact by presenting a functional and feasible way of developing land or a site and identifying areas for development or changes in use.

Building Survey

Any alterations to a historic building will have to take into account the historical development, fabric and historical significance of the building. The survey can also be conducted with regard to the setting of the building within the wider landscape and the impact of a development within that landscape.

Mitgation and Conservation

Assessment of the management and conservation of a heritage asset requires understanding of its significance, key stakeholders and management issues or any proposed improvements. Conservation Plans, Management Plans and Conservation Area Appraisals, outline the character of a heritage resource and areas of significance. They present possible areas to improve and enhance the character of the resource as well as areas that detract from the heritage asset.

Discharge of Planning Conditions

Archaeology Services

To discharge planning conditions any additional archaeological works that have been requested are to further understand the archaeological resource. This may be prior to development or can be in conjunction with other groundworks such as technical pits, trenches or removal of overburden.

Written Schemes of Investigation

Before any archaeological works take place you need a Written Scheme of Investigation or WSI. This outlines what archaeological works will occur and why. It also confirms the legal basis for entering a site, breaking ground and the planning framework for the work. This is usually written in conjunction with a Risk Assessment Method Statement or RAMS.


Watching Briefs and Monitoring Groundworks or Service Trenches

You may be asked to have an archaeologist present when the removal of overburden occurs whilst you are undertaking groundworks, such as service trenches or pipelines, and in advance of construction. This can enable the depth, character and nature of any surviving archaeological resource to be identified and an appropriate mitigation strategy to be programmed.

Evaluations or Trial Trenches

An evaluation consists of excavated trenches which are required when the archaeological resource is to be confirmed. This is usually where previous work has highlighted areas of archaeological potential such as, geophysical features, fieldwalking surface scatters or areas identified from the desk top study.


Archaeological excavation is requested to further understand the known archaeological resource prior to construction. This is undertaken when the archaeological resource has been confirmed. KJS Heritage is able to assist in the project management and excavation of archaeological works.

Post Excavation

The archaeological works will require a report to be completed and submitted to a suitable digital archaeological archive. Any finds will need to be adequately conserved, identified and recorded as part of the archaeological works, and stored in a suitable museum. KJS Heritage can check the site archives, write reports and either ensure completion or undertake the digital archive submission. Finds assessments can be organised with external specialists.

Geophysics, Drone Surveys, and Environmental Analysis

KJS Heritage is able to assist in finding appropriate specialists when undertaking project management of your archaeological works who are able to undertake geophysical surveys of your site and drone surveys of larger landscape areas and buildings.

About Me

Katy Stronach

Archaeology BSc (hons), MPhil

I have worked in Archaeology for over 20 years and over 15 years in the construction and development sectors. I help clients with planning applications and archaeological works in a pragmatic and considered way. Based in Gloucestershire I work across the UK, on agricultural, housing, energy, industrial and infrastructure projects. I am a Prospect Union Member and I ensure staff and colleagues are treated with respect and are valued. Katherine Stronach Heritage is covered by Hiscox Public Liability and Professional Indemnity.

KJS Heritage Core Values:

Plant in hand

Committed to protecting people and the planet.

To go green all reports and correspondence is digital.

Any site visits by car are off set by planting trees with Make it Wild.

Flat Textured Recycling Earth

Building on the Past for a Sustainable Future.

Heritage has a key role in our well being and can work with green solutions to climate and societal needs with careful design.

Group of People on Hand

Inclusive Teams, Mentorship and Personal Development

Offering Support, Guidance and Training Opportunities where possible.

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Creating Safe Work Environments

First Aid Trained, SSSTS, CSCS and Mental First Aid Aware for the Workplace.


  • Heritage Assessments
  • Desk Based Assessments
  • Building Survey
  • Written Schemes of Investigation
  • Monitoring Groundworks - Watching Briefs
  • Evaluations
  • Excavations
  • Archive Checking
  • Report Writing and Data Analysis
  • Lithic Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Consultation with Governing Bodies

Get in touch.

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If you need some informal advice or want to find out more about the processes involved in heritage planning you can contact me on:


Opening Hours:

Monday-Friday 8.30am -5.30pm

Follow KJS Heritage on:

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Facebook: KJS

Instagram: KJS Heritage

Use Wear Analysis of polish on a

Neolithic Stone Tool

Recovery of Medieval Pottery

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The type of information collected and processed include the personal contact details that you have provided such as your name and address.

Most of the information is provided directly to KJS Heritage or is obtained from a third party source and is used solely to contact you and keep you updated on our services.

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Under the UK General Data Protection Regulation (UK GDPR), the lawful bases we rely on for processing this information are:

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How we store you Information?

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We keep your contact details for 5 years. We will then dispose of your information by erasing your data or contact you to ask if you want to update your details.

Your data protection rights: under the GDPR you have rights.

Your have rights to access the copies held about your personal information.

Your right to rectification means you can rectify any misinformation which you think is incorrect.

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Your right to data portability which is the transfer of personal information you gave us to another organisation, or to you, in certain circumstances.

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Please contact us at: and 07340917244.

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If you have any concerns about our use of your personal information, you can make a complaint to us at [, 07340917244].

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Information Commissioner’s Office

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